To my old and new friends in Senate District 18: I am running to represent Senate District 18 which has changed since the last time we voted for State Senators. Some of you are new to Senate District 18. (see map below)
Senate District 18 is currently represented by Bill Tallman, who will not be running for re-election. I am running to replace Senator Tallman in the new SD 18, which includes many new precincts.
I have served as State Representative for House District 30 since 2018. Only a small portion of HD 30 overlaps with Senate District 18. I used to represent more of Senate District 18 before the boundaries changed in 2021.
To my friends in House District 30: I STILL represent House District 30 until the next State Rep is sworn in at the Legislative Session beginning in January, 2025. Due to the redistricting process of the State Legislature, the boundaries of SD 18 and HD30 have shifted. While the district is still in the heart of Albuquerque’s Northeast Heights, the boundaries have changed. See the map below for more details.
District 30 includes these neighborhoods:
Academy Acres North Neighborhood Neighborhood Association
Academy Estates East Neighborhood Association
Academy Park Neighborhood Association
Arroyo Del Oso North Neighborhood Association
Bear Canyon Neighborhood Association
Del Norte Neighborhood Association
El Camino Hermoso Home Owners Association
Highlands North Neighborhood Association
Knapp Heights Neighborhood Association
Loma Del Rey Neighborhood Association
Stardust Skies North Neighborhood Association
Stardust Skies Park Neighborhood Association
And these public schools:
Arroyo Del Oso Elementary
Del Norte High School
Osuna Elementary
New boundaries of New Mexico House District 30